Global Markets​


Proprietary Trading

Experience the power of our innovative approach to market dynamics as we transition from swing trading to proprietary trading.

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Our Innovative Approach
to Market Dynamics

Maximizing Returns

At AKA Blockchains, we have developed a unique and innovative approach to market dynamics that sets us apart from our competitors. By leveraging advanced technologies and proprietary trading strategies, we are able to maximize returns for our clients.

Sophisticated Trading

Our team of experienced traders and analysts provide sophisticated trading insights and analysis to help seasoned investors make informed decisions in the financial markets.

Innovative Strategies

For newcomers to the world of proprietary trading and investment, we offer educational resources and guides to help you understand the fundamentals and get started on your investment journey.

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Unlocking Market Potential

Experience the power of our innovative proprietary trading strategies and maximize your returns.


Designed for Businesses

Data Monday

Low Time Preference

Historical and real-time market data for research.

Subaccount Coming 2024

Security expertise

AKA is secured by industry-leading security and cryptography experts.

Eligibility requirements apply

Get started with Prop-Trading

If you’re ready to unlock the power of proprietary trading, fill out the form below. A team member will reach out to contact you. 

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